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Mohammad Nasri
state Management

StateManagement in Flutter using MobX

StateManagement in Flutter using MobX
2 min read
#state Management

mobx is one of the statement libraries in flutter,

There are many of the great State Managements Packages in Flutter like Bloc, Provider, river-pod and so on...

How does mobX align between those state Management ?

In my opinion mobX is very good for small to medium applications because it provides a single source for data which normally called a box.

Steps To apply mobX logic in your flutter project:

do not forget to import the package from

  1. make a file (let's call it AppStore.dart)


  • put annotation (@observable) for every variable need to change.
  • put annotation (@action) for every function which can change a variable
class AppStore = _AppStore with _$AppStore;

abstract class _AppStore with Store {

bool isLoading = false;

void setLoading(bool val) {
isLoading = val;
  1. make a global instance to access all variables and function everywhere in the code.
AppStore appStore = AppStore();
  1. wrap your MaterialApp widget with observer()

  2. after any edit in the appstore.dart file you should run the foollowing command to apply changes to the generated file: flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

  3. for usage inside the code:

  • Example 1 is to put every thing inside stack
Future<List<ServiceData>>? future;

Future<void> init() async {
future = getWishlist(page, services: services, lastPageCallBack: (p0) {
isLastPage = p0;

void initState() {

appBar: appBarWidget(),
body: Stack(
children: [
future: future,
initialData: cachedServiceFavList,
builder: (context, snap) {
if (snap.hasData) {
if (
return NoDataWidget(
title: language.lblNoServicesFound,
subTitle: language.noFavouriteSubTitle,
imageWidget: EmptyStateWidget(),
return Container()

// data did not come yet
return snapWidgetHelper(
loadingWidget: FavouriteServiceShimmer(),
errorBuilder: (error) {
return NoDataWidget(
title: error,
imageWidget: ErrorStateWidget(),
retryText: language.reload,
onRetry: () {
page = 1;
setState(() {});

// and at the end put the loading if it was loading
Observer(builder: (context) => LoaderWidget().visible(appStore.isLoading)),

// you can use the shimmer or the loading widget or both
// shimmer depends on the given future, or observer loading depends on the appStore.setLoading()
