state Management
StateManagement in Flutter using MobX
Table Of Content
mobx is one of the statement libraries in flutter,
There are many of the great State Managements Packages in Flutter like Bloc, Provider, river-pod and so on...
How does mobX align between those state Management ?
In my opinion mobX is very good for small to medium applications because it provides a single source for data which normally called a box.
Steps To apply mobX logic in your flutter project:
do not forget to import the package from
- make a file (let's call it AppStore.dart)
- put annotation (@observable) for every variable need to change.
- put annotation (@action) for every function which can change a variable
class AppStore = _AppStore with _$AppStore;
abstract class _AppStore with Store {
bool isLoading = false;
void setLoading(bool val) {
isLoading = val;
- make a global instance to access all variables and function everywhere in the code.
AppStore appStore = AppStore();
wrap your MaterialApp widget with
after any edit in the appstore.dart file you should run the foollowing command to apply changes to the generated file:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
for usage inside the code:
- Example 1 is to put every thing inside stack
Future<List<ServiceData>>? future;
Future<void> init() async {
future = getWishlist(page, services: services, lastPageCallBack: (p0) {
isLastPage = p0;
void initState() {
appBar: appBarWidget(),
body: Stack(
children: [
future: future,
initialData: cachedServiceFavList,
builder: (context, snap) {
if (snap.hasData) {
if (
return NoDataWidget(
title: language.lblNoServicesFound,
subTitle: language.noFavouriteSubTitle,
imageWidget: EmptyStateWidget(),
return Container()
// data did not come yet
return snapWidgetHelper(
loadingWidget: FavouriteServiceShimmer(),
errorBuilder: (error) {
return NoDataWidget(
title: error,
imageWidget: ErrorStateWidget(),
retryText: language.reload,
onRetry: () {
page = 1;
setState(() {});
// and at the end put the loading if it was loading
Observer(builder: (context) => LoaderWidget().visible(appStore.isLoading)),
// you can use the shimmer or the loading widget or both
// shimmer depends on the given future, or observer loading depends on the appStore.setLoading()